Hello, said Danny.
Hello, said Fran.
May I tell you something?
Well, of course you can.
Sometimes I watch you.
Oh, really, you do?
You're the sweetest thing.
Why, I think that of you.
And well, I think you are lovely.
Oh stop, you big lug.
You are so pretty!
Can I give you a hug?
Your trunk is so delicate
You're making me blush.
And your ears are so big - No! I mean your eyes...your EYES are so big,
Oh, you shush!
I brought you these flowers.
I'll put them in some water.
They're not as pretty as you.
Could you be any hotter?
I'd like to take you to dinner
Oh, I just ate!
How about a movie?
I can't stay out that late.
How about a walk?
Up over the hill?
Will you hold trunks with me?
You bet I will.
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